Subscriptions are £40 a term to be paid by each Beaver, Cub and Scouts invested in the Scout Group. These are collected centrally by the Scout Group so nothing changes when your child moves between the sections.
This should be paid by monthly payments of £10 via Go Cardless. This system is embedded in Online Scout Manager, our platform for managing personal details, badges, and our programme. Go Cardless take payments via Direct Debit, but you retain control over what payments are taken – it will only take payments when you have given permission. This ensures you are covered by the Direct Debit guarantee, and the system will never take any monies beyond what you have authorized.
Your section leader will contact you to set up Go Cardless, so if you have any difficulties setting up the subscription please contact your section leader.
Please ensure you fill out the Gift Aid section of the form so we can claim this as a charity. This provides extra funds we can use to improve your young person’s experience with us.
If you wish to pay via a different method then please speak to us about this.